July 30, 2012

Just thought I would share some great dairy free quick dinners! One of my favorites that my Mom use to make, before the whole no dairy, was pepper steak. Its super simple you need about 2 cups cooked rice. In a skillet cook strips of steak or stew meat . Add chopped green pepper and mushrooms. Cook until green pepper is tender. Add 2 jars (glass) of Beef gravy. I found that they Hyvee brand has no dairy in it! Another great one that we had last week was Shrimp Linguine. All I did was defrost some shrimp, added some parsley and butter to a skillet and sauted the shrimp. Obviously you need to cook the noodles. Once its all cooked pour the shrimp over the noodles....C.J added cocktail sauce to his, just a few drops, and it was really good! I have some new items I am wanting to try! I will keep you all posted!

June 2, 2012

Hello and welcome! My name is Stephanie and this is my blog about my journey with lactose intolerance. I have not always had lactose intolerance, in fact I went 24 years before my intolerance kicked in. I did not start having issues with dairy until late spring of 2011. I was getting very bad tummy aches and some not so pleasant trips to the bathroom. I summed some up to my acid reflux and my monthly cycle. May and June passed with the same symptoms off and on. I also figured it was something I had eaten...like spicy food or maybe not fresh food. I was camping that July and had gone into town since it was raining for dinner. We ate Chinese food...my favorite! As we were heading back to our camp my tummy did its normal cramping, gas and quick stop at a bathroom. Once we got home my husband asked me if I had eaten any of the the same foods that weekend. I told him not really, since every meal was different. We thought for a moment and he said you had some kind of milk at each meal right? I said yes and he told me to try going without diary for a week or two. I was horrified. I would have been the president of Milk-aholics anonymous. I would drink about 2 gallons of milk in a 7 day time, lots of cheese, ice cream, and a lot of other dairy filled products. Needless to say I tried it and within the first week my symptoms had almost disappeared. SO...I began my search for foods and recipes without the use of diary. I had a major shock how many of the products I consumed had dairy in it. I had to read every label of every food I would put into my cart. I had many trials and errors on what non-dairy cheeses, milks, and foods that tasted OK to me. One thing I did learn from my Mother is that when I was a baby I was on Soy formula because of colic and other formulas not agreeing with my system...I have wondered if this was a first touch of the intolerance but then again for it to go away for almost 24 years seems a bit odd. And yes I have been to the doctor and asked if there is a test for lactose intolerance. She told me I did the best test possible which was taking dairy out of my diet and since the symptoms went away, then obviously my body can not handle dairy. I am able to use lactose tablets but was told not to use them at every meal. The one bonus about taking dairy out of my diet is that I lost about 20 pounds in 1.5 months. Luckily I have the best husband in the world and has been very patient with me and my journey. He does try some of my foods but generally stays away from them. He has adjusted to changes in brands of foods, especially in breads. This brings me to my plan. I am wanting to share my story with others. I am wanting to share what kinds of substitutions you can use, which non-diary foods are half way decent, recipes, and other info on this condition. Thanks for visiting my blog and look forward to adding much more!